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Built to Solve the Toughest Kubernetes Management Challenges

By simplifying Kubernetes management and deployment, DKP enables you to reap all the modernization benefits you seek in a Kubernetes solution, including agility, speed to market, new customer experiences, new business models, a competitive edge, and a future-proof foundation for ongoing innovation.

D2iQ simplifies the most difficult parts of Kubernetes platform management through automation, including top-to-bottom declarative APIs, integrated GitOps workflow, built-in security, and centralized multi-cluster and multi-cloud fleet management, all of which enables DevOps teams to overcome a Kubernetes skills gap.
By simplifying Kubernetes platform management and application lifecycle management, DKP enables organizations to easily overcome Day-2 operational barriers (security, observability, reliability, upgradeability, backup and restore, policy management, governance, and more) and get up and running in minutes rather than weeks and months.
DKP simplifies Kubernetes platform management and deployment across all infrastructures–including cloud, multi-cloud, hybrid cloud, on-premise, edge, and air-gapped environments–with the same consistent declarative API across all environments.
DKP enables customers to manage Amazon EKS, Microsoft AKS, and Google GKE clusters in a fully automated way. The result is a consistent, repeatable approach to managing the end-to-end lifecycle of EKS, AKS, and GKE clusters from a centralized point of control. D2iQ also adds all the supplementary services required to elevate Amazon EKS and Microsoft AKS to production-ready Kubernetes platforms via an easy-to-deploy turnkey solution.

Nutanix D2iQ Kubernetes Management Platform


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